Delete Repeating Events Google Calendar 2024

How to create, edit and delete repeating events in Calendar
How to create, edit and delete repeating events in Calendar from


Google Calendar is a popular tool for scheduling and organizing events. However, sometimes repeating events can clutter your calendar and make it difficult to manage. In this article, we will guide you on how to delete repeating events on Google Calendar 2024.

What are repeating events on Google Calendar?

Repeating events are events that occur regularly, such as weekly meetings or monthly appointments. These events are set to repeat on specific days and times, making it easier to schedule them in advance.

Why do you need to delete repeating events on Google Calendar?

Over time, you may accumulate a lot of repeating events on your Google Calendar. This can make it difficult to find and manage specific events, especially if they are no longer relevant or necessary. Deleting repeating events can help you keep your calendar organized and up-to-date.

Step-by-Step Guide to Delete Repeating Events on Google Calendar 2024

Step 1: Open Google Calendar

To delete repeating events on Google Calendar, you first need to open the calendar. You can do this by logging into your Google account and clicking on the Calendar icon.

Step 2: Find the repeating event

Next, you need to find the repeating event that you want to delete. You can do this by navigating to the date and time of the event on your calendar.

Step 3: Click on the event

Once you have found the repeating event, click on it to open the event details.

Step 4: Click on the Edit button

In the event details, click on the Edit button to make changes to the event.

Step 5: Click on the Delete button

In the event edit screen, click on the Delete button to delete the event.

Step 6: Choose the option to delete all future events

When prompted, choose the option to delete all future events if you want to delete all instances of the repeating event.

Step 7: Confirm deletion

Finally, confirm the deletion by clicking on the Delete button in the confirmation screen.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I delete a single instance of a repeating event?

A: Yes, you can delete a single instance of a repeating event by following the same steps as above and choosing the option to delete only the selected instance.

Q: Will deleting a repeating event affect other events on my calendar?

A: No, deleting a repeating event will only delete that specific event and any future instances of it. Other events on your calendar will not be affected.

Q: Can I undo the deletion of a repeating event?

A: Yes, you can undo the deletion of a repeating event by clicking on the Undo button that appears after you delete the event.


Deleting repeating events on Google Calendar 2024 is a simple process that can help you keep your calendar organized and up-to-date. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can easily delete repeating events and manage your calendar more efficiently.

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